Tag Archives: Dead Skin Dave

Dead Skin Dave one year Anniversary!

Ahoy, mateys! In a few short weeks, it shall be one year since the release of Dead Skin Dave, the Pirate! To commemorate, the paperback copy of the book will be on sale for a limited time starting pretty much as soon as you read this!

As always, you get the e-book FREE when ordering the paperback through Amazon.com!

Be sure to check out all of my Junior Pirate activities by clicking the Dead Skin Dave tab on the menu!

Now is a great time to buy or order a few extra copies for your friends, family, co workers, church, neighbors, homeless guy down the street, your post man….

coverfrontOnce upon a time , there was a short, skin-peeling mess of a pirate known to the world as Dead Skin Dave. Dave wanted nothing more than to impress his fellow pirates, but he rarely succeeded. Then one day, the feared Hairy Hazelroth sank his ship and left him stranded on an island full of wanna-be pirates!
Join Dead Skin Dave, the Pirate, his dim-witted first mate, Tom Swiftfellow, and the evil Hairy Hazelroth, as they face off across the high seas for the legendary lost cutlass o’ Captain Bo Ben in an adventure full of laughs and swashbuckling action!


Junior Pirates Fantastic Adventure: Pirate’s Cove Board Game

jrpiratesAhoy there, junior pirates! After a short absence, Dead Skin Dave has returned with a swashbuckling adventure for all of his junior pirates! Today’s fantastic adventure is perfect for all of Dead Skin Dave’s junior pirates! What’s the best activity to do after you read Dead Skin Dave, the Pirate!? Why, go treasure huntin’ with yer own board game, of course! Dead Skin Dave thoroughly recommends “Pirate’s Cove”, one of the only truly action oriented pirate board games.

From the Manufacturer: Come aboard and sail to Pirate’s Cove… the legendary hideaway of thieving pirates and cutthroat buccaneers. The tales of those legendary pirates of old who’ve fought and survived these mysterious waters still haunt all those who yearn for a life at sea. Armed with a secret map and starting with a modestly outfitted sloop salvaged from last winter’s storm you set sail to Pirate’s Cove — your eyes filled with visions of treasure and fame your lungs filled with the salty air of the High Seas. Your objective: to battle for the rights to plunder and become the most famed and feared Pirate the world has ever seen. To do so you will need to navigate shrewdly fight recklessly and pillage mercilessly. You will gain fame by winning battles; burying gold and treasure; and bragging about your exploits at the Tavern. At the end of twelve months the pirate with the most fame will be declared the most fearsome Pirate of the High Seas!
Arrrrrrrrrr ye ready for a game of swashbuckling and daring, mateys? In Pirate’s Cove, you’ll battle for the rights to plunder and to become the most famed and feared pirate on the seas! Win battles, bury gold, and boast of your exploits at the tavern. Sail the islands off Pirate’s Cove in your quest for fame and fortune – navigate shrewdly, fight recklessly, and plunder mercilessly! At the end of twelve ‘months,’ the most famous of the pirates wins! Includes game board, 7 pirate ships, 5 player mats and navigation wheels, 60 treasure cards, 6 pirate cards, 42 tavern cards, 75 wooden game markers, 6 dice, reference map, and rules. For 3 to 5 players ages 8 and up.

Put this game on your next birthday wish list. This game is perfect for kids 8 and up and is actually a lot of fun for adults, too!

Pirate’s Cove:   buy-now-1

Dead Skin Dave, the Pirate buy-now-1




Kindle Countdown Deal: Dead Skin Dave, the Pirate!

Woo, another promotion for Dead Skin Dave, the Pirate! It never has been easier to get my latest book for cheap!

For the next four days, you can purchase the eBook for only $0.99! That is in addition to the buy the paperback, get the eBook free promotion.

What’s yer excuse mateys? Get on board with Dead Skin Dave as he searches for the Legendary Lost Cutlass of Captain Bo Ben!


Dead Skin Dave, the Pirate! Special Discount

Hello, folks! I know I said I’d take the day off, but Amazon just launched a great promotion that I would like to share with you.

Starting today, all purchases of the paperback version of Dead Skin Dave, the Pirate! will allow you to download the eBook for your Kindle device or app absolutely FREE!

Now you can take Dead Skin Dave with you wherever you go! Let your kids read it on your iPad, smartphone or Kindle device It’s a great way to always keep your kids reading!

Just add the book to your cart, checkout and the eBook version will be made available to you for free.

Click here to buy now!


Dead Skin Dave, the Pirate FREE e-book!

Say goodbye to Summer and hello to Fall with one last pirate adventure!

Dead Skin Dave, the Pirate! e-book version will be FREE for the next five days!

Click here to get your FREE copy today!


Junior Pirates: Make yer own pirate hat!



Ahoy, junior pirates! Dead Skin Dave has just set me an urgent request.  He seems to have lost his crew, and he needs replacements as quickly as possible! All you need to do is make this official pirate hat to join Dave’s crew! Hurry he needs your help!

What You’ll Need:


Grocery bag (child hat) or newspaper (adult hat)



Step 1:
Cut open the bag so that you are left with a large front panel.

Step 2:
Carefully remove the handles.

Step 3:
Fold the panel in half along the width of the paper.

Step 4:
Fold the two corners to the center. Because your started with a rectanglular panel, the folded corners should leave you with some excess space at the bottom.

Step 5:
Fold the bottom excess up and over the corners as shown.

Step 6:
Repeat Step 5 for the reverse side of the hat.

Step 7:
Use your marker or other embellishments to decorate the face of your pirate hat. Start with skull and cross bone and see what else you can add.

Step 8:
Put on your pirate hat and say “ARRRGH!”



Dead Skin Dave’s T-Shirt Recommendation of the Day!

Dead Skin Dave’s T-Shirt Recommendation of the Day!

Ahoy there, mateys! For ONE DAY ONLY ye can get this amazin’ pirate shirt from shirtpunch.com!

When i saw this shirt, I just had ta tell ye all about it, as it sends shivers down me spine and inspires me to get goin’ on me next pirate adventure!

Click the picture below to order!


Dead Skin Dave Coloring Pages

Ahoy, mateys! Dead Skin Dave, the pirate, here! I’m just checkin’ in on ye to make sure yer enjoyin’ me book!
If yer into colorin’ I’ve got some pages fer yer parents to print out!
Color it in as ye see fit, and if yer feelin’ up to it, have yer parents post yer drawin’ in the comments section so I can see the amazing job ye have done.
Now, get coloring!

Scan (2)

Scan (6)

Parents, print these out and present for your kids to color! Take them to school functions, picnics, car rides, hand them out to all of your friends and family!