Dead Skin Dave hits the e-shelves April 23rd!

Ahoy, junior pirates! Dead Skin Dave, here. I have been busy gettin’ ready fer my big debut next week! The artwork is being finalized as I speak, and me first mate, Tom, is busy settin’ up streamers fer my big debut party! Today, I’d like ta share with ye the teaser for my book! I hope it gets ye in the mood to read the entire story!

Once upon a time , there was a short, skin-peeling mess of a pirate known to the world as Dead Skin Dave. Dave wanted nothing more than to impress his fellow pirates, but he rarely succeeded. Then one day, the feared Hairy Hazelroth sank his ship and left him stranded on an island full of wanna-be pirates!
Join Dead Skin Dave, the Pirate, his dim-witted first mate, Tom Swiftfellow, and the evil Hairy Hazelroth, as they face off across the high seas in an adventure full of laughs and swashbuckling action for the Legendary Lost Cutlass o’ Captain Bo Ben!


Until next time,
Dead Skin Dave, the Pirate!



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